Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fischer Black - Co-Founder of the formulas for Binary Options Trading

While binary options trading is extremely easy to use and fairly simple when compared to other forms of investment and financial instruments, it is rather complex when you view it internally. Fischer Black (Pictured LEFT) and Myron Scholes developed and designed the Black-Scholes valuation formula which both outlines the needed mathematics, and also a list of world conditions that make binary options trading possible.

When you trade a binary option online, you are actually placing your investment on a set of mathematical equations that both figure out the price for the option, along with the risk, closeable price, and many other factors. Investment houses are only willing to permit such a trade because they can take comfort that their pricing will cover their "friction" costs for handling that trade. These types of failsafes and regulations are based on the black-sholes valuation formulas.

So think of this guy next time you are trading binary options online.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Binary Options Trading Super Tips

Get you paws on as much as you can
Top Ten Super-Tips for using the Black-Scholes Valuation formula to gain large profits with online binary options trading:

These tips are called "super-tips" as the regular tips we give are designed for novice traders. These tips are designed for more advanced users who are willing to forego some excitement and risk in exchange for dull, boring, and more consistent profits.

  1. Trade only in small amounts till you have a much stronger grasp on that specific commodity, stock or indice.
  2. Utilize "closable" options to hedge the rise so that you can make very quick 20% to 40% gains rather than drawn out 85% gains that carry a risk of 100% loss.
  3. Be technical analytical and review the graphs for patterns and predictability. Only trade in graphs of options you feel comoftable predicting. 
  4. Better to not trade for a half hour than loose durring that half hour.
  5. Don't hedge your risk by trading in opposing options. The profit of 85% comes at a risk of 100%, so hedging like that will result in an across-the-board 15% loss.
  6. Remember: Its important to avoid losses as much as it is to achieve gains.
  7. Don't let losses or gains effect you overall strategy. Emotion are your enemy in this game. 
  8. With currency related binary trade, compare different currencies to narrow down which ones are actually falling and which ones are only relativity falling
  9. Avoid trading binary options at the beginning of market open unless specific events in the news provide a window of predictability.
  10. Learn from your mistakes. Binary Options Trading is an aquired skill. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, but do avoid repeating them.

 We hope you've enjoyed these tips. Please feel free to leave comments or questions. These tips are based on Trading Binary Options on - not sure about any other sites.

Tips for turning quick profit with Binary Options Trading:

Trading binary options online can be a tricky business. You ability to extrapolate data from graphs and charts is so very critical for the success of your trading.

A common feeling is that of "get rich RIGHT AWAY" which you should avoid at all costs (no pun intended) - The best thing to do for making money with binary options trading is to start an account with a small amount of money and learn how to trade with small amounts of $10 or $20 and get a strong percentage return. Once you are comfortable with you prediction ability of the market, you can increase the amount.

Check out this video on how to make small gains quickly, rather than long drawn out riskier larger gains:

 Video of Binary Options Trader Making $5 in 5minutes

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tips for trading binary options online:

Think before you click. Trade Binary Options Smart
Tips for binary options trading:
  1. Trade online, only use binary options trading platforms that have real-time updates and don't charge a commission.
  2. Use sites that offer binary trading with the possibility of closing your position before it expires and still making a solid return - utilize this capability to hedge your risk and make lost of small, profitable trades.
  3. Do not start making large trades when you are below your starting point with the hopes of re-couping your losses.
  4. Do not trade if your mindset is not that of a small-gains and reserved approach.
  5. If you loose several trades in a row, then stop trading for a few hours. Do not try and regain your losses quickly.
  6. Analyze graphs and only trade on positions you have a clear picture of. Utilize the various forms of options for different market behaviors
  7. Don't be afraid to take chances, but don't take the chances with large wagers.
  8. Practice reading graphs, review the trades that end in loss so that you can learn from your mistakes.
  9. Keep up to date on the news, especially for political events that effect the price of oil and the stock markets.
  10. Learn the graphs of the financial data and learn to differentiate between a correction and a trend.
Don't be left in the cold. Learn before you trade

Obviously these tips alone are not going to enable you to suddenly become a wealthy binary options trader. But by learning the trends and patterns that keep winning overall, you can be in a better position than starting out cold. Educate yourself about financial betting and general binary options trading and enable yourself to succeed in the volatile marketplace. Don't be discouraged if you have a few losses, the main thing is to learn how to read the market and apply it when it counts.

binary options trading tips - source

Sunday, August 21, 2011

5 Reasons Gold Bubble Might Pop Soon:

When will gold pop already?
The higher gold climbs the more intense the debate between bulls and bears, those who think the yellow metal has a long way to run and those who say this is a giant bubble that is going to pop, and soon.Here are five reasons the bears are calling the current run of gold -- up 27 percent since Jan. 1 -- a bubble, and thus something to avoid.

1. Basic economics. The World Gold Council in a recent study said that in the second quarter total global demand for gold declined 17 percent, on a year-over-year basis. But despite that decline the price of gold rose about 25 percent. At some point supply and demand have to come back into balance, say the bears, and when they do it would be best to be out of gold.

2. If it looks like a bubble ... "People believe that gold is a hedge against uncertain times. In the long run, gold prices have kept pace with inflation. People are flocking to it", says Lloyd Thomas, an economics professor at Kansas State University. "But in 2000 the price of gold was $300 an ounce. It has gone up six-fold since then, and it might go up higher than what it is right now. It's gone up too fast -- it's a bubble." 
Thomas compares the current gold market to the U.S. housing market. People believed, as they believe now for gold, that the housing prices would continue to increase. But ultimately, they fell more than 30 percent in most 
American cities.

"The same thing could happen to gold; it's not risk-free. In the last 10 years it's gone up 17 percent a year, but the price of things we purchase has only gone up 3 percent a year. That's unsustainable. It's my own opinion that gold prices will collapse -- I just don't know when", he says.

3. Soros has left the building. Billionaire George Soros as well as Eric Mindich cut their holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, an exchange-traded fund, in the second quarter as prices rallied. You may not understand algorithms, econometrics or 200-day moving averages, but almost anyone can imitate winners.
Major professional money managers are also starting to get worried. Wells Fargo is warning its clients, including wealthy ones, that gold is grossly overbought, a "bubble that is poised to burst." Said Wells Fargo analyst Dean Junkans: "We have seen the economic damage" of past bubbles and "feel compelled to ring the warning bells."
"There could be substantial risk to gold once the fear that the world is coming to an end subsides," Junkans told Reuters in a telephone interview from Minneapolis. "We are worried about the downward risk."

4. Investor naivete. "Trees don't grow till heaven. I think buyers need to be beware we are in a 'caveat emptor' market," Jeffrey Rhodes, global head of precious metals at INTL FCStone, a brokerage, told Reuters.
"My problem is that people are buying gold and they don't understand why they are buying gold and that's a big problem and that is a classic symptom of a bubble," said Rhodes.

5. What is your pain tolerance? Even if you don't think gold is a bubble, it certainly is a bull market, and bull markets often end dirty and messy, and take years to recover from. Think the U.S. real estate collapse and all the attendant carnage that erupted in 2008 and still hasn't been repaired, among homeowners or bankers. The same could be said of property markets in Ireland and Great Britain.

Want to hedge against the Gold Standard? Try trading binary options.  

Thanks to the source for the article on Gold Ready To Pop

List of the Top Ten funniest investment quotes

We found this list of top-ten funny investment quotes on the web. Seems that most of the people trying to make money are very NOT FUNNY and sort of stuffy, and those that have lots of money already seem to be pretty funny and jocular (except for Bill Gates, but maybe that is just because the humor part of his brain has some kind of DLL error) - Below is a top ten list of hilarious quotes about money and investment. Enjoy!

Top Ten Funny But True Investment and Money Quotes:
  1. Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. ~ J. Paul Getty
  2. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. ~Oscar Wilde
  3. We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. ~Buzzie Bavasi
  4. When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. ~Voltaire
  5. Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
  6. When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart. ~John Wesley
  7. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it. ~Bob Hope
  8. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell. ~John Templeton
  9. Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. ~Woody Allen
  10. Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. ~Henry Wheeler Shaw
If you found yourself laughing at any of these, please share a comment on which one chuckled you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Top-Ten Funniest Explanation of What are Binary Options

Hysterical Binary Options Trader
List of Top-Ten Funniest Explanation of Binary Options

Binary options trading is the hottest thing since margin-investing and CDI's - except way more legitimate and totally legal. Not everyone is 100% sure what is a binary option or what it means to trade them. Below are the funniest explanation that we have gotten so far. Enjoy.


Top Ten Funniest Explanations of
What are Binary Options:

10) Stocks that perform magic by using confusing math.
9) Commodities that make you money when they loose money

8) Investment instrument that let you pry open the markets value
7) Piggy bank for those that have science degree in math.
6) It is the equivalent of Diet Coke for the investment community, all the fun and no calories.
5) It's that thing them investment-boys are doing these days.
4) I don't know, I can't even figure out how to use Facebook.
3) Is that trading stocks in Morse code?
2) Binary option is when a person trading stocks has to think like a computer.
1)Have no idea what it is, but sure have fun trading them.

Laughing Binary Options Trader

We'd like to thank this site for the top-ten list of funny explanations for What Are Binary Options

binary, trading, options,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How To Trade Binary Options:

One investment platform that has become very popular in the online trading community – especially with beginners – is trading binary options. The benefits are so great that beginners and pros alike are trading binary options and learning how to trade this financial instrument.

Learning the ins and outs of binary option trading is relatively simple. Here, we will talk about how to trade binary options and learn about navigating these powerful instruments.

The Basics of Trading: Where and How
Does the Dalai Lama Trade Binary Options?
Becoming a binary option trader first means knowing where you can trade them and how they work.
The best way to trade in binary options is to go through an online brokerage. An online brokerage writes contracts for various binary options, which are offered on the value of financial assets such as currency pairs, commodities and stocks. These contracts come with a purchase price, an expiry (the time at which the contract expires), and the conditions for profit (usually a strike price or barrier price).
To participate, you simply need to find a broker that deals in the contracts that you prefer – most online brokers deal in multiple types so you can trade both stock binary options and forex binary options with the same options broker, for example.
Once you register and deposit funds, you choose between two general types: above/below options and touch or barrier options. Some binary options brokers also offer range or boundary binary options as well.
Above/below options basically allow you to take a position on whether an asset’s value will be above or below the current value when you buy it, by the expiry. A touch or barrier option requires that an asset price reach or surpass a certain price or value at least once before the contract expires. Range or boundary binary options mandate that the asset’s value be in between two specific values or prices at expiry.

Being “In-The-Money”
Make sure you come out ahead of the other traders.
How do you know you are in-the-money? The conditions of the contract will give you the targets you need to hit, and these differ by the type of option.
Let’s take XYZ Corporation, which has shares at $10.00. An above/below option says that XYZ will rise by the end of the trading day. If you purchase a call option, you are taking the position that by the end of the trading day, XYZ will be higher than $10.00. If it is at $10.01, you are in-the-money.
With barriers or touch options, the contract may say that XYZ has to be at $12.00 or higher at least once by the end of the trading day. If you buy a call option, and XYZ is at $12.00 or higher at least once before trading closes, then you are in-the-money. If the highest value it reaches is $11.99 before the contract expires, though, you lose.
With range or boundary binary options, the contract may stipulate that the value of XYZ stock has to be in between $11.50 and $12.00 by the close of trading for the day. If XYZ is trading at $11.90, you are in-the-money. If it’s trading at $11.54, you lose your investment.

Payouts differ depending on the type of option you choose. Above/below options and range binary options pay out typically 70-85% of the original investment. Barrier options are riskier, so they pay out as much as 300% or more of the original investment.
The payout is your profit. Of course, if you do not meet the requirements, you will lose 80-100% of your original investment.

Learning all about binary options means understanding the key concepts, and knowing where to go to trade them. As with any financial instrument, there is risk involved – but the upside potential, as well as ease of use, makes them attractive options for beginners and pros alike.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some common info on what are binary options:

Binary option (From Wikipedia)

In finance, a binary option is a type of option where the payoff is either some fixed amount of some asset or nothing at all. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option. The cash-or-nothing binary option pays some fixed amount of cash if the option expires in-the-money while the asset-or-nothing pays the value of the underlying security. Thus, the options are binary in nature because there are only two possible outcomes. They are also called all-or-nothing options, digital options (more common in forex/interest rate markets), and Fixed Return Options (FROs) (on the American Stock Exchange). Binary options are usually European-styleoptions.
For example, a purchase is made of a binary cash-or-nothing call option on XYZ Corp's stock struck at $100 with a binary payoff of $1000. Then, if at the future maturity date, the stock is trading at or above $100, $1000 is received. If its stock is trading below $100, nothing is received.
In the popular Black-Scholes model, the value of a digital option can be expressed in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function.
Click here to read the full Wikipedia article on Binary Options

A binary option is aBinary Options Trader - Worried and stressed fixed return option because there are only 2 possible outcomes which are fully realized at the onset of the contract
A binary option is a contract which gives the buyer (known as the owner) the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a fixed price within a specified time frame.
The items being traded are known as underlying assets and they could be a range of products: currencies (e.g. USD/JPY), commodities (e.g. Oil, Gold), stocks (e.g. Microsoft, Coca Cola) or indices (e.g. Nasdaq, FTSE 100). The fixed price at which the owner buys or sells at, is known as the strike price.
When trading binary options, the buyer of the option chooses whether he thinks the underlying asset will hit the strike price by the selected expiry time – this could be at the end of the nearest hour or the end of the day, week or month.
The owner places a call option on his binary option trade if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be higher than the current price. He places a put option if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be lower than the current price.

Want to try and trade binary options on your own, visit

Thank you to this source for the info on Binary Options

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Federal Reservce makes promise to keep interest rates near zero

I came across this article today, I really wonder if the US Gov't will keep the interest rates "near zero" for the duration of time that they claim to do so, which is 2 years, and, if they go back on their word, what will that do to their rating?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve, in an unprecedented move, said on Tuesday it will keep interemoney, markets, federal, reserve, standard, poor, downgradest rates near zero for at least two more years and is considering further action, bolstering battered stock markets.

The Fed's policysetting Federal Open Market Committee, in a 7-3 vote, overcame internal discord in the first triple dissent against a policy decision since 1992.
Investors were still unsure whether the Fed's even stronger promise to maintain rates at rock-bottom lows until mid-2013 would be enough to revive a flagging economic recovery.

But the decision sparked a rally in equities that pushed the Dow Jones industrial average up more than 400 points. Short-term Treasury yields fell to all-time lows. The gains came after a rout that stemmed from Standard & Poor's historic downgrade of U.S. credit quality last Friday.

 Click here to read the full article on Money Control

Thanks to this article for the source

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oil prices plunge, but motorists not getting much relief at pump

By ROD WALTON World Staff Writer

Crude oil futures fell to their lowest level in nearly a year Monday, but Tulsa gasoline prices are still clinging to an average that was charged when a barrel cost close to $20 more.

"With markets the way they are, it's anybody's guess on what they're going to do," AAA-Oklahoma spokesman Danial Karnes said. "It's all over the board."

That board is making a steep downhill run at the moment. West Texas Intermediate crude oil for September delivery dropped $5.57 on Monday to settle at $81.31 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The closing crude price is the lowest since it settled at $80.05 on Aug. 31, 2010. The one-year high for WTI was $114.83 per barrel on April 29.

Tulsa retail gasoline, meanwhile, is not falling by the same leaps and bounds. The Tulsa average reported by AAA is $3.44 per gallon, but it was closer to $2.50 when domestic crude oil was last around $80.

"Gas prices aren't always logical," Karnes said. "But logic tells us if oil continues to fall, then gas prices should continue to fall as well."

The price at many QuikTrip stations in Tulsa was $3.39 on Monday afternoon. The QuikTrip price at the end of last August - the last time crude oil was anywhere near this low - was $2.46 per gallon. 

click here to read the full article 

Special thanks Binary Trading Tips for finding this article


Monday, August 1, 2011

Trading Binary Options VS Casino bets

Are binary options like gambling?


I have heard several times from people that when you are buying and selling Binary Options, your are basically gambling. While this may be the case for some people who have addiction issues, they are both quite different. 

Casino games are based on luck and binary trading is based on real market conditions. This is not to say that casino's don't also involve skill or that binary trading doesn't experience luck, but the basis for the trades and exchanges of the two are very different. 

The thing is that casino games are designed for users to win in order to keep them entertained and binary trading are based on which ever direction the market swings, So not sure which one is better.