Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not just trade, must BE the Binary Option

The Chaos Of Binary Options Trading
The path of the binary option is one mangled by randomness and corrupted by chaos. When you buy first buy the binary option, their is no sure fire method to predict where it will exactly go. As it is a binary option, you only need to be correct in a specific set of it's behaviors, but not how far it goes in that behavior. For example, with a high/low binary option, you can choose if the asset will go up in value or will go down in value at the closing time of the binary option traded. This is not some abbirition that eludes the trader. This is an attainable goal that proper focus and prediction calculation tweaking can make a reality. Binary options are about know where the market is going, but studying what is has done in the past, and using that historical data to predict the near-future.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Top Ten Way to Make More Money using Binary Options Trading

Super Swirly Maze of Binary Trading
Sure there are millions of millionaires and thousands of billionaires, and each one made their fortunes on their own without having to copy anyone else. Its possible to say that there is a high-probability that there continues to be such ideas out there floating in the world that have yet to be discovered that might make the next billionaire, or might just quietly make some smart person a few million bucks, very quietly, without stepping on anyones toes. It is for this reason that we present to you:

Top Ten Ways To Make Money using Binary Options Trading

  1. Buy low, sell high - seems obvious, so DO IT
  2. Learn and master one type of binary option rather then spreading your learning skills across a few instruments and 'hoping for the best'
  3. Utilize a hobby or other minor distraction so that you brain retains logical decision making ability, but ignores emotional response. 
  4. Read up on short-term graph prediction and data-extrapolation.
  5. If you have a very strong feeling that you will win, or simply feel overall optimistic, do NOT act on it with trading binary options
  6. Avoid longer, riskier position and focus on short, quick trades that have low risk and mitigating gain. Once you've mastered it then you can move to the next level.
  7. Learn to trade using small amounts, and once you've mastered the technique, up the trades to larger amounts.
  8. If you loose, take a break, don't try and regain your losses in the post-loss feeling 
  9. Don't trade binary options while hungry or thirsty, it will effect you decisions detrimentally.
  10. Accept that you can't make money on all trades, it's only important that you make money on more than you loose, but it is impossible to be right 100% of the time.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mazes and Optical Illusions - Artwork of a Binary Options Trader

Fun Funnel Maze - Binary Trading Artwork



Maze of a funnel system, sort of like a pinched bulls eye. Made this while trading binary options online and just using my creative abilities to remain calm during hectic trading.

Binary Options Trading Art - That Girl's Shirt



Drawing of two circles smushed together, you figure it out. Created while trading binary options on www.optionsclick.com

Maze of super spin vortex



Maze of a super spinny spinning vortex optical illusion. Created using GIMP on Ubuntu and the most basic geometric tools while also trading binary options at the same time in an effort to do two things at once and perform better on both of them.

Don't be a Square - binary trading artwork in color

dont-be-a-square-binary-trader optical illusion


Don't be a square is a rectangle expanding pattern with alternating gradients in each interlocking piece. Made this while learning about binary options and trading them to be able to master both drawing and a mathematically oriented skill at the same time.

Really Hurts the Eyes - Binary trading optical illusion

box-in-a-box-optical-illusion art binary options


Super duper optical illusion that I succeeded in creating using GIMP on Ubuntu. I was trading binary options and learning about them in depth in order to not just draw optical illusions, but to do it while my mind is involved in something else mathematical.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Drawing from a binary options trader - color

 Circles of Confusion
This artwork is one of my favorites that I created while trading binary options. The circles meet and overlap to create a sensation of shapes that add up to circles in a Venn diagram type of style
Flower Power
I was not even sure what this one would be when I started drawing, and then made it into a flower as I progressed and made it into a masterpieceLet The Sun Shine
Let The Sun Shine
This drawing was well planned out but it wasn't till I had time to trade my binary options online today that I had the time to focus and draw this.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sir Trade Allot

One thing that you will only learn with time about binary options trading is that sometimes is better not to trade. Take a break, walk around the block, and then come back and continue trading. Don't power through the slump as it can be very costly and the only thing you will learn from the experience is that you shouldn't do it.

Another way to perhaps spend your break-time from binary trading is to read up about the Black-Scholes model for valuation and better understand how it is that the value and prices of the binary options is determined.

Egg-centric: Drawn while trading binary options
I personally like to take small breaks as I trade binary options by drawing and doodling simple artwork on GIMP, which is a program very similar to Microsoft Paint and just make a design or doodle that will take your mind off the binary options trading for a period of time.

Whatever you do, don't make loosing money the thing you do to counter loosing money. Take a break, refresh you mind and soul, and then get back to the trading of the binary options, you'll be better at it and thank me for this advice.